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Are your employees keeping your company's data safe?

Hello, everyone! Today, we're talking about email hacking, a way people can steal your personal info easily.

How Do Hackers Get Your Email?

  1. Tricking you: Hackers pretend to be someone else to get your email.
  2. Public info: They find your email in directories or on social media.
  3. Data breaches: Sometimes, they get emails from big online breaches.
  4. Guessing: They try common words to guess your email.

Why Do Hackers Want Your Email?

  1. Phishing: They use your email to trick you into sharing important info.
  2. Identity theft: Your email is linked to many accounts, so they can steal your identity.
  3. Spam: They send you lots of junk emails.
  4. Ransomware: They can lock your computer until you pay them.

How Do Hackers Use Your Email?

  1. Guessing passwords: If they guess your email password, they can see everything.
  2. Tricking you: They trick you or your contacts into giving away info.
  3. Sending viruses: They send harmful stuff to your computer.
  4. More tricks: They use your email to fool you into sharing info.

How Do Hackers Profit from Your Email?

  1. Spamming: They sell your email to spammers.
  2. Phishing: Other hackers buy your email to trick you or your contacts.
  3. Identity theft: They sell it to steal your personal info.

How Do Hackers Work Together?

  1. Online forums: They share info, tools, and tricks.
  2. Dark web: They sell your email for a higher price.
  3. Ransomware: They use your email to get money.

How to Protect Your Email from Hackers:

  1. Use strong passwords: Make them long and tricky.
  2. Enable two-factor authentication: Adds extra security.
  3. Don't click suspicious links: Be careful with unknown emails.
  4. Use antivirus software: It stops harmful stuff.
  5. Keep your software updated: Stay safe with the latest fixes.
  6. Be careful on public Wi-Fi: It's not always safe.

In short, email hacking is a big risk. Protect yourself with strong passwords, extra security, caution with links, antivirus software, updates, and care on public Wi-Fi.

If you want to know where your company stands, ask us about our email testing program.  We will run tests through by all your employees with fake "bad emails" to see if, when and how often they potentially expose your buiness to being hacked.  In addition, we'll provide training to help bring everyone up to speed and teach them good habits when openning and processing emails as well as learning how to recognize legitimate information requests from the bad ones.

Stay safe!

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